Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: LocalTalk PC Card System Requirements To use the LocalTalk PCCard drive anc MS-DOS ersion3.1 Recommended equipment rot will need or later (or a compatible operat An Apple LaserWriter Laser An IBM PC, PCXT PCAT ing system) Writer Plus LaserWriter IINT, PS/2(Model 25 or Model 30), An AppleTalk that LaserWriter IINTX compatible computer uses the LocalTall cabling LocalTalk net- minimum 256K RAM system work cable for all additional with either two double-sided A LocalTalk Lockine computers on th networb floppy disk drives or one Connector KitDB9 AppleShare File Serve and drive aud one floppy Print Server software AppleShare PC workstation software Technical Soeciticatons AppleTalk protocol Confisuration Print-file formats supported support Selectable Inteupt Reques PostSeript LAP,DDP ATP, NBP ...